Monday, December 30, 2013

Love is Eloquent

Someone said, "I care."

Anything more dilutes.

There is nothing more.

Embrace the silence -that single silent voice that answers for two, for truth has donned an economy of words.

(c)copyright hamdani2013, excerpted from book of poetry by same author entitled Voices.

Life...a dance

Wind currents deliver a note from nature with the fragrance of abundance.

Nectar, foams by mouth as bees kiss her tongue.

Humming birds compete for her attention.

Butterflies, content with her presence, want nothing except the next dance.

And the observer, enlightened by this flawless symphony entitles it: God's Sufficient Grace.

(C)copyright hamdani, excerpted from book of poetry entitled, Voices.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Intelligent Heart

The Heart, a microcosm of sunshine.

Brillance uncontained whispers vague promises, notions of secrets to pursuers;  Intelligently hiding facts from consciousness that we may find our way.

(c)copyright hamdani 2013

Saturday, December 21, 2013

#poetry (c)copyright 2013hamdani

Teacher of love...a broken heart is.

In love-to swallow an unknown seed, a seemingly harmless seed...a seed of pain and yet love the good of the whole in which an unknown seed grows.

No regrets, just swallow...without judgment and know by observation the growth of seed, the birthplace of discretion.

...and know with gratitude, that thy own seed planted in the heart of thy lover may birth forgiveness...that one may create the reality of an even greater love.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


The act of losing something on the path to awareness is the loss of dead weight. Dead weight does not always imply persons, but time...time spent in one place too long.

A lost job creates opportunity. A business failure holds the seeds to successful business in its womb. Time speaks in behalf of change.

Divorce speaks to much we have learned about ourselves and how we handle change. It teaches time.

Even death is cheated of its glory at the bed of the enlightened individual because change is yet welcomed.

Change opens one door with its left hand and closes another with its right and the wise does not resist; therefore, some people choose victory by leaving this plane before terminal illness can steal their dignity. They die with power because they lived with it.

In such times, family and relatives ask, "Where is God?"

He is responding to your loved ones request for dignity.

Falling apart and coming together is a single movement, a congruent is the place where omnipresent God resides.

#transcendent reality...constantly changing phenomoenon in the hands of an unchanging God.

David was right...he is too wonderful to know.

The next time you feel overwhelmed, just say, "God you're too wonderful.."
Get your copy of Transcendent Reality (c)copyright 2013hamdani Barnes Noble, Amazon and all bookstores. in 2014.

Let your new year's resolution be a commitment to excellence.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Embrace the #Invasion of Truth

 #Truth  invades the lives of those who seek it. Truth can be magical. Magic rest in the process of seeking. Truth sometimes shows up in dreams and visions. Truth appears in mirrors. Truth whispers through circumstances and speaks to events. Truth questions our motivations and cross examines our beliefs, puts beneath a microscope many long held convictions that do not assimilate to ones path. #Truth ultimately rejects and embraces.

Truth about who we are not sometimes makes us uncomfortable but through discomfort we discover ever greater truths that consequently liberates us.

By Great wisdom, God installed truth to help us identify and reject affirmations that are inconsistent with our purpose that we may find our way. In other words, truth is a filtering system that helps us to separate light from darkness, to strengthen our judgment. Those who seek will find. As we continue to seek truth and understanding, the line between what we say and what we do and who we are becomes assimilated as one. At this point, an individual's life is invaded by truth.This practice creates #miracles. We can reach a point where we speak and things actually happen.

"Know ye the truth and it shall set you free."

Read more on this subject in the upcoming book, Transcendent Reality.