Saturday, February 28, 2015

7 Principles That Will Change Your Life Forever

Coming this Spring, my new book, Ascend to The Secret Place, a most Transcendent Reality (c)copyright 2015 hamdani.

"If you don't believe in God, you will, after reading this book. If you believe, you will embrace your beliefs more fervently than ever."

The book encompasses seven principles that will  positively change your life, forever.

Experience teaches us that self-starters keep within reach some of the most powerful motivational material: Books.

People who practice the  principles in this book have found that which was once missing. Others have re-discovered their magic.  Many speak of an inner kingdom, a kingdom united with the universe. You, too, will find these dynamic universal factors a compelling force that causes an individual's strengths to become more pronounced and allows weakness a place beneath a microscope, unhampered by judgment to the extent that the perceived weakness (or cracks in the foundation, as Hamdani puts it) may also work for the individual. It is an amazing discovery.

If there are secrets and mysteries, then know that they are not necessarily hidden, just undiscovered. Much of the unknown is often explained away as unfathomable secrets and mysteries but the underlying phenomena communicates in detail to awareness. Service from these factors and entities are at our demand. These mysteries exist in space within and beyond and a state of enlightenment is the place where one knows the two (the community within and beyond) to become one and the place repeats as part of the  process. Through Ascend to The Secret Place, a most transcendent reality, those entities and factors become more apparent during the process of becoming and you, the observer shall bloom, exponentially, when you are also in the right place.

 Place is not stagnant, just conceptual... as we know it. Its reality lives and breathes in the mind of the believer with a demanding umbilical cord attached to a significant  force, a pull -an undefined momentum- from a non stagnant universe.

 Entities have character. Factors work together to purge us towards perfection. The nature of truth is absolute energy that encapsulates energy, absolutely. Once this phenomenon is observed the observer becomes...
Awareness of a specific state of becoming is a place of genius. Movement and timing (as we know it) in this place is excellence.
We are most powerful, most magnetic when we are aware of the process of becoming. That's why excellence is often effortless. In an environment of an ego both monitored and suspended by awareness, we come to understand the power of what makes individuals different and how difference establishes a winning brand, a spiritual and marketable fingerprint with a built-in personality. It is often this unique quality -differentiation-  that makes you and your product or service unique."

This most compelling magnetism cannot be owned but experienced.
The things you fear will learn to serve you.

You will no longer forget...anything because the process of forgetting is the other side of the coin of "trying" and you will no longer try to do anything. Trying is inconsistent with the laws of nature. Doing based on thinking (space and motion) combined with a single intent is consistent with nature.

Carlton Norman said it best, Ascend to The Secret Place is an unforgettable book about finding many pieces of oneself in places rarely explored but readily accessible.

Ascend to The Secret Place, (c)copyright 2015hamdani, coming this Spring to a bookstore near you.

Spring 2015 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Dread Creating #Content?

 Rule number one: don't take yourself too seriously.

 Rule Number two: don't second guess yourself. There are people less skilled than yourself who boldly create content.

 Rule number 3: know that we are vain, at heart.

Once you can accept rule 3, notice, the content flows. A deportment of vanity is necessary however, otherwise we would lack the enthusiasm to get up early and write, or play instruments or whatever the creative occupation might be. After all, in order to produce as artist, we have to believe that we have something to offer the world, something that might positively impact change, somehow, somewhere, we hope. So, you see, much of the source of our enthusiasm is the preoccupation with the illusion that what we have to say is important.

That being said, do your creative thing and know, in the back of your mind, because we are made in the image of God that we have the ability to, at some point, create something interesting. So, what are you waiting for? Do what you do.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Ascend to The Secret Place (c)copyright 2015 hamdani

                                     Coming this Spring. To be released in Early April

I believe this book will inspire you. I believe that many of us often feel the need to become closer in touch with what we already have inside. I, too, have often felt that way and many have found that secret place where wisdom, creativity and the unexplainable resides.

In writing, Ascend to The Secret Place, I felt led by the hand of God and the full power of the universe-both the external universe and the universe within, as dual spirits but an inseparable entity, elliptically expressed as yet two individual parts, a confirmation of the fact that we are wonderfully made. You, too, will discover that you are truly made in the image of God.

 As you explore these pages, you will find a wealth of power. For example, as artist, we know that there is something magical in the studio that meets the magic within the artist. We know that we do not find peak experiences but that they find us. We know that the state in which we become stagnant does not represent what we are not, but rather represents the genius we have temporarily forgotten, or disconnected with. We know that there is a particular field of awareness indigenous to but not limited to artist (writers, dancers, vocalist, painters, poets, musicians, etc.). We know that this field connects us as catalyst toward a perfectly timed universal shift. We know that our gifts make room for us in life. In this space we create relevance. This creativity involves the ability to consciously employ the inner community to serve a greater cause. God works through creativity. So do we.

Coming this Spring. My best book, ever

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Leading with the Pen

By writing, we not only create what we want, but we help others to do so by the power of imagination.

All people are to some extent, imaginative, however, it is the thought and belief behind imagination that fuels activity and direction. We shape imaginative energy and give it impetus. We power the agent of imagination by stimulating belief. Ultimately, there is no imitation of life by art or otherwise; the two components (art and life) work together, as a single entity. It is our erroneous concept of time that separates the two.

excerpts from Ascend to The Secret Place, a most Transcendent Reality (c0copyright 2015 hamdani, coming this Spring.